*denotes a required field
First Name:*
Middle Initial:*
Last Name:*
Date of Application:*
Desired Move In Date:*
Street Address*
State* Minnesota - MNAlabama - ALAlaska - AKArizona - AZArkansas - ARCalifornia - CAColorado - COConnecticut - CTDelaware - DEFlorida - FLGeorgia - GAHawaii - HIIdaho - IDIllinois - ILIndiana - INIowa - IAKansas - KSKentucky - KYLouisiana - LAMaine - MEMaryland - MDMassachusetts - MAMichigan - MIMinnesota - MNMississippi - MSMissouri - MOMontana - MTNebraska - NENevada - NVNew Hampshire - NHNew Jersey - NJNew Mexico - NMNew York - NYNorth Carolina - NCNorth Dakota - NDOhio - OHOklahoma - OKOregon - ORPennsylvania - PARhode Island - RISouth Carolina - SCSouth Dakota - SDTennessee - TNTexas - TNUtah - UTVermont - VTVirginia - VAWashington - WAWest Virginia - WVWisconsin - WIWyoming - WY
Do you mainly need help with:* Alcohol AddictionDrug AddictionGambling AddictionOther:(enter below)
What is your drug of choice:*
Date of last use:*
Substance used:*
Are you currently enrolled in a treatment facility?* YesNo
If yes, please complete the following:
Treatment Center:
Counselor's Name:
Counselor's Phone:
Counselor's Email:
Date of Expected Completion
Are you considering, or have you been approved for, any outpatient/aftercare treatment?* YesNo
If yes, where:
List any physical limitations:*
List any current medical concerns:*
List all prescriptions you currently take:*
Medication name:
Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you?